
Saturday, December 11, 2010

New films on the way!

So, I finished my Animation Production Film Final today! It took a few (several thousand) hours to actually complete, but my instructor and I managed to get it all done! I'm not uploading either film to YouTube or even here until after the showing on Thursday, but once that's done and my films have been officially presented, I'll let everyone on the net see them as well! I can't wait to get some feedback (or at least I hope I'll get some feedback) but I'm also nervous... my films never quite turn out exactly as I had planned. Usually I can hardly stand to watch them for about a month after they're finished, cuz all I see are the gaping holes for things I wanted to do and the imperfections in the things I did. Looking back now at my two older films, I love and appreciate them a whole lot more than I did after they were first finished... but I guess that's just the way it goes with artists. We are our worst critics.
Anyways, keep an eye out for my upcoming posts! There's sure to be something exciting or enjoyable to someone out there.

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