
Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Video and an Explanation...

So in case I haven't mentioned this before, I'm a college student and halfway through my second year. I am also taking a full semester of General Ed classes. This means that I am often very worn out at the end of the day. And what all of THIS means is that I have very little time for working on art, or blogging about it for that matter. However, since I am a busy student with no art classes at present, sometimes my creative juices start flowing and,since they have nowhere to go, get blocked up with ever increasing pressure. When this happens, my brain becomes a sort of volcano, and the art ends up exploding in a pyroclastic flow.
Lovely image right? So what does all of it even mean???
What it translates to is me working on major art works or devoting all of my time to a single project that ends up turning out pretty epic. My recent brain explosion produced an animatic that I've worked on for the past couple of weeks on my days off from school. It's drawn and colored entirely in Corel Paint Essentials by use of a drawing tablet, and it was edited in Windows Movie Maker. I posted the preview of it before, but here's the finished product, direct from YouTube:

The description for the video can be found on it's YouTube page; I don't feel like retyping it.
Oh, and here's the video from the actual show "The Slayers" that inspired this video:

But it's not necessary to see in order to understand the video... I hope.
Oh, and please ignore my total inability to draw a boat. Thank you.

So that's all for now! I'll be posting again soon (maybe later tonight) about some animation related topics: namely, I'll be sharing some of my animation and artistic inspirations, and explain some of how they've changed my life. Or done something slightly less dramatic than that.

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